Shell Bridge

The Austrian city of Graz is the second largest city after it’s capital. Graz’s most recent popularity and notoriety was brought by Arnold Schwarzenegger, who was born here. Many tourists are traveling to Austria just so they can to attend tours on a very unusual bridge connecting the two shores of the river Mur. To be more precise, it is not just a bridge, it is a bridge with the “island” in the middle of the river (hence the name – Aiola Island). This masterpiece of modern architecture was built in 2003 and is the perfect place to escape the sudden rains, besides, the bridge may hold up to 350 people simultaneously. It’s shape was and idea of a New York architect Vito Akkonsi. “We wanted to create a space that would be visually divided into two specific areas and these areas should gradually merge into one whole” – explains Vito Akkonsi.